Feminist Family Experiment


Our dream for this experimental roundtable is “to create a spirit of radical transparency, to create a new feminist culture of academic scholarly discourse and labor. This roundtable has been, and will be driven by care, meaningful exchange, and the space to speak freely without pressures to perform.” We dwell on three feminist methodological and ethical questions that we face in our research, that of:


How has the embodiment of your own self, subject matter, or archival space caused methodological or ethical troubles for you?


How do you practice intellectual and emotional imagination to work through the troubling paucity and absence in your work?


How do you embrace the precarious incompleteness of your work as a strategy of troubling the empiricism, patriarchy, and colonialism of knowledge production?

A recording and transcript of the experimental roundtable to be publicly shared shortly.

For more, look into our video, audio, and transcript recording of the roundtable.


Opening Sala with Maps


Colorizing Photos